イタリアRambaldi社のBabyplastは、卓上に乗るサイズで型締力6tの超小型射出成形機です。LSR(シリコーン)専用成形機や、金型や様々な設備に直接取り付け可能な独立射出ユニット、超小型の竪型ロータリー成形機も取り扱っております。弊社ショールームにて世界最小の2材射出成形機Babyplast 6/10-UAIの展示及び実演も行っております。
Rambaldi’s Babyplast micro injection molding machines are small enough to fit onto your kitchen table. Babyplast units are superb for manufacturing small and microscopic high cycle injection molded parts. Thermoplastic materials, ceramics, waxes and silicon parts can be made with this tiny wonder of a machine.
Rambaldi’s Babyplast micro injection molding machines are small enough to fit onto your kitchen table. Babyplast units are superb for manufacturing small and microscopic high cycle injection molded parts. Thermoplastic materials, ceramics, waxes and silicon parts can be made with this tiny wonder of a machine.